Projects we are proud of
Friendly Health Tech (Aug 2019 - present)
An insurance automation platform that auto adjudicates claims, enables straight through processing new business applications and deals with any data formats - including handwriting Participated as group of 5 data scientist to develop OCR models Worked on Page Classifier Model, Page Confidence Model, Field Match Model, Micro Work Service Wrapper We particularly worked on documents of Allianz and unum
Friendly Health Tech (Aug 2019 - present)
Produced branded and high-performance content that appeals to the audiences. When designing your campaign, be sure to spend your budget wisely with influencer audience analysis. Follow and measure your communication step by step. Crawled posts and followers of influencers on Instagram and using machine learning models to detect the age and gender of followers of the influencers based on their profile image and find the interests of the followers of an influencer based on their interaction with their posts.
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